Sunday, December 27, 2009

Beautiful Winter

Christmas day is over. I am sitting here eating leftover turkey and broccoli and corn casserole trying to come up with some inspiring or witty or just interesting thing to say, but frankly, I am exhausted.

Since it is finally snowing enough to leave something on the ground, I thought I'd peruse the "Winter" pictures on photobucket and share a few with you.

nocluemchugh, photobucket

It's been a while since I've made a snow angel. I don't like being wet and cold. This year, since I have a 34 month old to teach, I think I'll have to suck it up and make one!

jenn_totherescue, photobucket

We get our fair share of ice storms in Central Ohio - it's a good reason to make a fire and knit, which is what I will be tending to when I complete this post!

KimCandy2, photobucket

This reminds me of my street after a snow storm. My neighbor has a beautiful Douglas fir that droops with snow, the streets gleam, and it feels like God cleaned the world.

mezucc, photobucket

Our neighborhood, which was once barren of children, is now filled with lots of wild boys. I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty of this tomorrow!

xxx_crash_xxx, photobucket

Well, I must go tend to my fire. It is looking a little whimpy and could use a few more logs. Back to the hat I'm knitting for my mother, which I'll let you know all about once I'm done. Happy Winter!

1 comment:

Kaylovesvintage said...

winter wonderland...looks so beautiful

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