Sunday, September 19, 2010


I'm 38 now. I got a DSLR Cannon Eos Rebel with 4 (count em - 4) lenses and a few filters (they are not Cannon - we are not the Hiltons). It is quite quite different than a pocket camera and I've been all over the internet learning about how to set my aperture speeds and f stops and giddeldybits and whosewhats. Now I have to start taking pictures! I'm thinking that my macro lens will mean that it won't take me 45 minutes to take a picture of a cricket, though! Oh! And it's a lot bigger than my Cannon Cybershot - not like I can just throw it in my purse now!

Question - do you have your cameras insured and if so is it through your home insurance or in another way?

xo Erin


Pomegranategrl said...

AWESOME! I am so JEALOUS! I can't wait to see what you shoot. Happy Birthday! ~SB

Unknown said...

#1, Happy Birthday!!
#2, :swoon: Im jealous!

Knitting with Beer said...

Happy Birthday!!

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday! Congrats on the camera! We have a Canon 30D and it's amazing the difference in the quality of the pictures vs a point and shoot. Although I haven't mastered the settings yet, luckily the 'automatic' setting has been quite good to me! Enjoy your new toy!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday erin! hope you had a great day!

stringsofpurls said...

What a happy birthday you had! Have fun!

Ashley Sisk said...

Happy Birthday - to your question...I haven't insured my stuff yet, but that's a good idea.

Country Girl said...

Congratulations and happy birthday. I need to insure my camera and lenses on my renters insurance. I think I can do that!

Bonnie said...

Ohhhh! Congrats on your new toy!! I can't wait to purchase my "big" girl camera. :)

I normally don't purchase insurance, just depends on the particular one you are looking into. I'm pretty hard on stuff, so for me personally... it would probably be wise to purchase insurance. Just so cheap about some things... you know...

Best of luck!! I can't wait to see the results!!


Bonnie said...


Amy said...

Happy Birthday! We have teh T1i and I love it. Do insure it though. They are easy to steal and hard to just replace out of pocket.

Unknown said...

I don't insure my camera and lenses, but I should. What lenses did you get, by the way? Inquiring minds want to know.

polli said...

oooh goodie so happy i found your blog! wow amazing photography! and happy bday to you!


See Me Everywhere said...

Oooh jealous! Trying to save up for one at the moment, but I keep getting distracted by the cheaper lomography cameras :P Soon, I tell myself, soon :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! What an awesome gift.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I don't have a camera worth insuring, sorry :( I'm glad that you are feeling much better. I've been reading and thinking of you!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a great present, I can't wait to see all the amazing photos you'll be able to capture with it!

Kristine said...

Honestly, I have never thought about having our cameras insured. Since we have so many of them, it would be a great idea. You are going to enjoy your new camera. Happy Belated Birthday!

I gave your blog an award! Just stop by my blog to accept it.

Claudia said...

happy birthday erin!
and now we're looking forward to even more fantastic pictures of yours!

Roxanne said...

Happy, happy birth day! What an awesome gift :) I wanna know too when your actual b-day is, I think we might share the big day!

Char said...

i keep meaning to insure mine - i think it needs a separate rider but haven't investigated because my brother owns the home.

happy happy birthday - can't wait to see your new shots.

The Single Nester said...

Happy Bday and many happy photos to you!

Katiebee said...

happy birthday erin!

urban muser said...

happy birthday. what a cool gift!

LaVonne said...

I hope you had a Happy Birthday! I have a Nikon D50 and still don't know how to use it. I need to start learning so I can take fabulous pictures.

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

Congrats on the new Camera!

Laurie said...

Happy belated birthday!!! Can't wait to see your new pictures taken with your new camera. :-)

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