Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Sponsor Love: Alaskan Purl

Alaskan Purl Blog Button

Alaskan Purl is a blog that I have been reading for a LONG time because it is such a great blog. If you are a knitter, you HAVE to read and subscribe to this blog (just look at that hat; do I really need to say more?). Allison's blog is just quality all knitting, all the time. Ah-Mazing knitting and all that stuff knitters love - talk about yarn, patterns, reviews of patterns from other sites, and giveaways!

Also, I just want to say that Alaskan Purl is one of those sites that when I was a greenhorn blogger I looked at and thought to myself, "Gee, my blog looks suckish compared to this!" It is really a beautifully designed blog as well.

So, there you go. I love this blog. I want all of you knitters to visit it and subscribe. If it isn't already, it Will become one of your favorites. It's one of mine.


Angela said...

thanks for following Mommy Time Out

Danyale N. said...

following you back now thanks for stopping by my blog

sara said...

Adorable hat! I've tried knitting many times, turns out I'm just not coordinated enough :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for following Three Crazy Munchkins! I'm now following back- your blog is beautiful!! I love all your pictures- looking forward to more!


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