Dreaming in French
Mon monde a été chaotique de tard et il fait froid ici. J'avais rêvé de la France; rêve avec moi, svp?
My world has been chaotic of late and it is cold here. I have been dreaming of France; dream with me, won't you please?

Un "hello" dans le rose

un journal et un petit Tour Eiffel

le fournisseur de fleur

la creperie rose

un mur à Versailles

une jeune femme chic

macarons de Lauderee

et Dieu a fait Bardot

les géraniums à la cathédrale

la baguette

Tour Eiffel un jour brumeux
Rêver est meilleur en français.
Dreaming is better in French.
Mon monde a été chaotique de tard et il fait froid ici. J'avais rêvé de la France; rêve avec moi, svp?
My world has been chaotic of late and it is cold here. I have been dreaming of France; dream with me, won't you please?
Un "hello" dans le rose
un journal et un petit Tour Eiffel
le fournisseur de fleur
la creperie rose
un mur à Versailles
une jeune femme chic
macarons de Lauderee
et Dieu a fait Bardot
les géraniums à la cathédrale
la baguette
Tour Eiffel un jour brumeux
Rêver est meilleur en français.
Dreaming is better in French.
Il fait chaud ici...mais it will be cold when we fly back to visit family for Christmas. These pictures are SO dreamy!
Je suis d'accord, tout est magnifique en francaise.
It certainly looks like it to me. thanks for sharing your dream. hugs.
Se réveiller à Paris, c'est encore mieux.
Lovely. I visited France several years ago in February and it was just too cold to enjoy properly! It needs to be spring so you can wander and sit and do nothing but soak it all in...
So I have no clue what all the words say, but darn it, doesn't it sound so pretty?! Love the pictures. I am so happy that your husband is back. have a great day!
France sounds heavenly right about now
Je reve avec toi et j'aime la vie en rose.
Tu parle francais? Moi - un petit peu.
Fo rthose impressed with my French skills, I speak only limited French. Babelfish helped with this post! And for those who speak no French, here are translations of the comments en francais:
Emily Joyce: It is hot here… but ... (she is in France, the lucky duck!)
Myrna R.: I am in agreement, all is splendid as a Frenchwoman.
I dream with you and like "la vie en rose". You speak French? I speak little bit.
Jamie: To wake in Paris is still better.
beautiful! i love the architecture :)
xo Alison
amen sister!
Hehe! Funny enough, as a French expat living in the UK, that's the question I get most often:
"do you read in French or English?"
And the answer is, after 10 years of expatriation, in English!
(very cute post in French by the way, even if, of course, as teacher, I need to warn you against online translators as they don't always work: there are a couple of mistakes here!) :)
This should say "do you DREAM in English or French"
Sorry about the typo, I am very tired and very much looking forward to the end of term on Friday!
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