This worsted weight 72% silk/13% viscose/10% alpaca/5% cashmere blend is super soft and a dream to work with. 770 yards should give you plenty to make some mitts and a hat, an amazing cabled scarf, or whatever you dream of.
This multi-ply chunky weight 100% cotton would make some great mesh bags, a few cool wash cloths, or a heavy tee. Course, you could make whatever you want with it!
There are three ways to enter:
1) Leave me a comment about what attracts you to a blog. What really makes you want to read longer or dig deeper? What really turns you off? In other words, in your opinion, what makes a blog perfect?
2) Sign up to be a follower and tell me in a separate comment. If you are already a follower, let me know that, too, in a separate comment.
3) Blog about the giveaway and link back to your announcement in a separate comment.
I will pick a winner using a random number generator next Monday and announce the lucky winner in the blog! So get going, win some yummy yarn, and knit or crochet something amazing!
Yeah, I'm your first comment! I like a blog when it has eye appeal, interesting craft projects and a certain level of honesty about life. I like yours Erin!
Let's see... things that keep me coming back are an articulate voice, something interesting to say, decent pictures, regular posting, more than just knitting content & honesty. THE thing that turns me off of a blog (or at least make me scoff more than enjoy) is the facade of perfection!
Hi there -- I found your link through knitpicks on facebook. Your blog is interesting and a feast for the eyes! I especially like your post of your 10 things about yourself (things that make you happy). We have numbers 3, 8, 9 & 10 in common (I love the voices of my children, too). Blessings to you! Connie
Ooh... I forgot to say that I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for the yarn. I especially love denim-y colors. Thanks!
I like blogs that are creative, upbeat and honest. Posts about crafts, cats, and birds appeal to me.
Thank you for the giveaway. I will mention it on my blog the next time I post something in a day or two.
I love blogs where the author writes in a voice that is their own and not put on, and where the pictures are good. I don't like to read blogs where the pictures are always dark or where the posts are always like mini essays. I think blogs are great when they do giveaways! :D
I also follow your blog, as you may have guessed!
I am a follower!
I blogged about it here...
Several things keep me from coming back to a blog - slow loading because of dozens of widgets, or because the entire blog is shown on the opeing page rather than a few recent posts; impossible to read text/background colors or "bacgrounds" which extend into the text area and obscure text; print size too small to read, etc. Your blog is free from all these problems! YAY! It loads quicky and is easy to read. And it is worth reading, interesting with great photos.
i follow your blog!
What do I like about a blog? I like it when people talk about knitting for one! I especially like when they post pictures of their finished projects and their patterns. If they designed the pattern themselves I like to know the story behind it!
Great giveaway! Your blog is different from most- no artificial stuff, really down to earth and you practice that as well with gardening, knitting - back to the basics.
What is attractive about a blog - it's not too 'busy' visually, but with beautiful pictures, interesting updates, and info on ongoing projects. :)
first of 3 :)
I read blogs that have relevance to my etsy shop; like how to make it more successful and interviews with other sellers. My preference is always short and sweet with clear links to pertinent information.
I am now a follower, you can follow me too at
and last but not least; a link to my blog article promoting your fabulous giveaway
I hope I win!
I'm a follower
On blogs from crafty people I love pictures with the words, as I'm not so great at visualizing.
The perfect blog depends on my mood but I do like to connect with the author.
Let's see... things that keep me coming to a blog...
good stories
good photographs
not too much text to wade through
mix of topics - not all just crafting/knitting but i like to hear about a person's life a little bit, too.
bad grammer sends me packing as does anything center aligned or otherwise hard to read.
The only blogs I read are ones I have come across on Ravelry. I have a couple I like to read everyday. One is a lady from Irasel, I like to read about the customs and see the photos. Another blog I read everyday is about a sheep farm, the author takes beautiful pictures and make you feel like you are there when reading her blog.I guess the main thing I like about blogs are the photos.
Knittingdancer on Ravelry
StaceyKnitsIt ravelry
I like to read blogs about knitting mostly and if the blogger has things in common with me; similar likes or personal things make it more interesting to me.
A blog wouldn't be interesting to me if I have nothing in common with blogger and it is about stuff I am not interested in.
Regular blogging can keep people coming back too.
That yarn is beautiful; I'd love to win! :)
I love the way you describe yourself and your family--Especially your love for your husband ("more than all the grains of sand...") What a lucky man he must be to be so loved! (And how I wish I had thought of that wording for my own wonderful man, lol).
All the best,
DianaIHB (from Ravelry)
I will come back for well-written posts that have photos. Even thought I can devour a 1000 page novel, I really prefer to read blog posts to have a picture or three. And of course the topics have to be something I'm interested in: knitting, animals, relationships, cool things on the web etc. (And giveaways are fun, too!)
I saw your post on Ravelry and jumped right over. I love blogs about knitting. Things that keep me coming back - regular posts (esp. with pics), topics I'm interested in (family, kids, knitting, etc), easy to read format, and giveaways.
Debbie in KY
I'm now following you, too!!
Debbie in KY
I find myself returning to blogs that are well written, have good photos and cover things I am interested in - knitting, quilting, cooking. I don't really care to read much about someone's personal life...sorry but that's what friends are for.
Knittingsuek on Ravelry
I'm a follower!
I enjoy a blog that helps me to be a better mother, a better piano teacher, a better knitter or crocheter. I look for posts that will help me in my day to day life. Free giveaways are a plus! Recipes, kid craft ideas, yarn craft patterns, are also a plus.
I'm already a follower. :o)
The Perfect Blog: for me, it's about the writing style. I'm a writer, and I'm naturally drawn to language, how another writer will craft words to evoke the sights and smells and feelings surrounding their day or the particular event of which they speak. I want to immerse myself in their world, and words are the best way to do this.
Blogs with clear pictures and simple formats are easy to read.
Blogs that are "fussy" - too many things going on at once - are visually distracting and take away from the content.
Thanks for the contest.
I find the idea of recycled yarn is so very interesting. I would love to hear more about where and how you retrieve your yarn. The giveaway looks really cool. thanks for hosting it!
I think it is awesome that you are giving away some recycled yarn. What makes it recycled and where do you harvest it from? Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Found you via Ravelry ... your blog is amazing .. definitely bookmarked and will try to figure out the follow thing. What I like (and would love to be able to do myself) is the creativity and the different aspects and ideas you've come up with ... I really love the picture you got from Flickr with the random year thing too ... gonna head over there and do it myself. I'm a huge photography buff so I think you hit the jackpot on yours.
Would love to be entered in your drawing! Thanks for offering!
Thank you for the giveaway! I like blogs that inspire me to try new things, that are upbeat, that have great photos, that are local, that host giveaways!!!!
I love that each person has added themselves into each blog, and each one is unique. Their knowledge, and information is being passed around.
What I love in a blog is good photos, witty/proper use of language, and a good mix of personal and general chatter! A tutorial now and then is cool too.
i'm a follower too.
i blogged here
sadiekate2001 at
I like blogs with great photos (being married to a photographer does that to a person!) and engaging conversation. Crafty things help or political things (the two types of blogs I follow). And I love seeing the lists of other blogs a blogger follows/links to, as I've found lots of cool new blogs that way.
(InJuneau on Rav)
I like a blog that is interesting, but funny and honest. I love hearing the good the bad and the ugly. I also like learning something.
Bad grammer and overly political posts really turn me off.
I've also started following your blog too.
I like blogs that area REAL. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hiya. I like blogs with interesting photos, that talks about knitting, cooking, and other interesting things. It's annoying when blogs look cluttered, when the top image is so big that I have to scroll to start reading (yours is a good size), and when there's distracting moving images on the sidebar.
To be honest, I don't follow many blogs regularly but I love stumbling upon them. The ones I love best:
1. Care about their readership, and make no secret of this.
2. Pose open questions from time to time to provoke thought and discussion.
3. Hover close to one or two topics, but express a very personal opinion on those topics.
4. Update regularly. My favorite updates with a short paragraph or two every day, occasionally a couple times a day. (He's a professional writer, though, so I don't expect this frequency of most blogs.)
5. Pay attention to grammar, spelling and, more importantly, tone. My favorite blogs are upbeat,and remain positive even when the subject matter is serious.
6. Are short, sweet and invite the humble reader to return.
7. Have pictures when they're relevant to the post.
I'm new to your blog, so I don't know if any of this is helpful, but kudos to you for being open to self-improvement.
On a more personal note, I came across your link from the Unravelers group in Ravelry and am looking forward to exploring the blog. I'm luckystars on Ravelry. :)
the perfect blog? Well, having interested that I have is a good start. I am a knitter, crocheter, spinner, and dyer presently. You would have to be MORE knowledgeable than me in those hobbies for me to be here often (I have been doing all those hobbies since I was single digits except for spinning which I 1st learned at 10 with a drop spindle and got my 1st wheel at 13...).
Being in the same place in life is nice too. I have 3 kids and am married. If your husband is having killer hours (we are talking something like 80 hours a week) and you have small ones I love reading about coping help as well as tips and tricks to get more time for my hobbies and kid cuddle time.
Contests help as well. Random ones keeps me coming back all the time, of course it needs to be something I want, if not then after about 3 to 5 "that isn't something I could use" contests I stop even looking.
I just created a link to your post on my blog! (you can see it on the "links to this post" under all the comments!)
I am following your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
I like blogs that have a mix of words and pics about a common theme. Most of the blogs are read are about knitting, yarn or sewing. I also like a blog that features the same kind of thing, topic or activity the same day every week.
I just started following your blog. I found it on the Ravelry blogging group. Great job!
I like good writing and interesting stories or good tips for life, knitting, anything!
I follow!!
I just stumbled over your site. I really like the look of your blog, very earthy and colorful, creative! I like the fact that you are a recycler/re-crafter! I like a wide variety of interests so i am fairly easy to please, lol!
What attracts me to a blog:
The ad/come-on about it speaks to something I really want to know about.
Once I get there, I want to immediately locate what I came there for. Wading through a lot of other stuff, whether interesting or useless, sucks. I say, give me what I logged onto you for in the first place.
I'm attracted to a blog that has pictures... I know it's about the writing, but I tend to barely scan blocks of text, but break it up with some cool photos, and I'll be back again and again.
I like a blog that is honest. Funny helps too. 8)
And I'm a follower!
I like blogs that have big enough font, that don't have a dark background, have good pics and enough of them, don't have too long posts w/o a lot of pics and preferably posts about knitting and crafting- at least occasionally. I think you're doing pretty well on most of those.
I like blogs that have a good balance of pics and words. Lets face it I really only read the words if the picture interests me. For knitting blogs pics will make me want to see what pattern it is or what yarn, or if it was hand-dyed ect. Blogs that are all words sometimes turn me off. Even if you have nothing to show, throw in a related pic for a word only post. Hope that helps!
Yay I am now a follower :)
I like a blog that seems like you are in the room with me just chatting about any old thing like old
i like something new, something i have not seen or the way someone tells the story behind the post. also a blog with variety yet a trace that lets you know it is their own! like this one also anyone who post their love for cappuccino or mocha's has my attention!
I like a blog that can captivate and inspire me with great ideas and the ability to nudge me into trying. Speaking of trying, I've never entered a drawing on a blog before because I've always been convinced I couldn't possibly win. I guess I still do feel like that, but you've given me the incentive to enter anyway.
Now to see if I can follow up with becoming a're going into my bookmarks at any rate. Thanks for the generosity!
I just signed up to follow your blog.
honestly- giveaways are what grab my attention when i find a new blog :) what keeps me afterward is a sense of humor in the writer, honesty and a not so perfect life cuz that would be intimidating!
A sense of humour, whimsy, and a passion for a particular thing.
Some of my favourite blogs are:
The Yarn Harlot
The Panopticon
Crazy Aunt Purl
A Dress a Day
Sew Retro
Cargo Cult Craft
Honey and Ollie
Enjoyable read too!
Things that keep me coming back to a blog: authentic writing, a pleasing layout, fresh content, new things for me to learn. Things that make me click away from a blog: too much commercial content, a "busy" layout that is hard to read, white font on a dark background (strain on the eyes).
Thank you for the generous giveaway!
nupur.kittur AT gmail DOT com
i prefer blogs that are easy to read, have enough contrast (but don't hurt my eyes), are interesting with lots of varied stuff, and have a bit of a personal touch (not lots of advertising!!).........
oh, and very few politics or religious opinions.........zealots of any kind turn me off.
Very cool blog contest. I blogged about it here:
What makes a blog a great blog to me - is when the person is real - honest - and just talks about their experiences, knitting, quilting, cooking...whatever. It has to be friendly!!!
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
I like to see pictures of knitting in blogs that I read. Also, humor. :)
I posted the giveaway on my blog! :)
I'm a follower! :)
Wonderful giveaway!
A couple of things attract me to a blog.
1) semi-regular posting (at least once a week). I get fairly discouraged if someone goes a month without posting, and I'm less likely to check back
2) Some sort of way to search the content. This can be done with either tag words or categories, but I like looking around and seeing what else I may be interested in (while skipping the posts I'm not so into)
Hope that's useful :)
What makes me come to a blog?
Humour, cats, knitting, humour, photos, humour, interesting commentary, stories, and I guess humour.
Of course, great giveaways like yours also make me a returnee!
I like blogs that I can learn something from, whether it's a new stitch, or technique, or about a place, or even the difference between sorbet and sherbet.
I like blogs that pose questions that make me think.
I like blogs where it's clear the blogger cares about the readers.
I like blogs with humour and/or wit.
I like blogs where the blogger is concerned about spelling, grammar and style.
I like blogs that I can relate to.
I like blogs that give the reader an honest glimpse into the fascinating realm of human experience. Because people are pretty darn fascinating!
chana on Rav
I like blogs that I can learn something from, whether it's a new stitch, or technique, or about a place, or even the difference between sorbet and sherbet.
I like blogs that pose questions that make me think.
I like blogs where it's clear the blogger cares about the readers.
I like blogs with humour and/or wit.
I like blogs where the blogger is concerned about spelling, grammar and style.
I like blogs that I can relate to.
I like blogs that give the reader an honest glimpse into the fascinating realm of human experience. Because people are pretty darn fascinating!
chana on Rav
I've subscribed to your blog through bloglines, and I've also added a link on my blogroll.
I just signed up to follow your blog. Admittedly,because of the yarn giveaway. But now that I'm here, I think I like your style.Simple,uncluttered-up with doo-hickeys and complicated thingys. You appear to be honest,funny, and interesting...Which is the first thing I like about a blog. It isn't a blog just for the sake of blogging.You actually have something to say.A blog should be interesting, non-ranting,useful and humorous in my opinion. And this one is all that. So I'm there.
Reality. Totally attracts me to a blog. I need a blog that's going to talk about the realities of being human. Lots of realness and honesty!
I'm drawn to a blog when it's full of creative juices. Ideas I can be inspired by. Lots of pictures and good writing. Also a blog that is clean and simple draws me back again and again.
Glad I found you through ravelry, definatly adding you to the blogs I read list!
I like a blog to be like a crafty magazin with an emphasis on sustainable, recycling, frugal etc. A tutorial for doing cool stuff with second hand things is also what I look for in a blog.
And let's face it: A yarn giveaway once in a while would attract me like a wasp to syrup.
hello! i love blogs with clear voices...i want to know who is writing. i like large pictures, a basic, uncluttered format, and consistent posts (more than one a month).
i really dislike negative posts. it's ok to gripe every once in a while, but too often just brings me down and i can't keep reading.
your blog looks really pretty. i like your layout. thanks for the giveaway! i do love giveaways!
I like blogs with lots of pictures, not too much text. I also like tutorials, giveaways, green tips, and things like questionnaires and games that I can use on my own blog. I really hate blogs with black backgrounds, music, and tiny (or no) pictures.
i'm following you now!
Oooh! I'd like to enter the giveaway.
Things that attract me to blogs:
- content that either matches my interests or gives me ideas for things I'd like to do/blog about.
- organized layout and a pretty/colorful theme
- a clear, average-person writing style. I read textbooks most of the day... reading some "normal" writing is an enjoyable pleasure.
- honesty and sincerity- it's nice to remember other bloggers are people too. :-)
OH, and i'm following y0ur blog now.
Hmm...the perfect blog?
I enjoy reading blogs that are either insightful or hilariously funny, preferably both. I enjoy reading about every-day life: gardening, knitting, cooking, kids, that kind of thing.
I am attracted to blogs written by people who have the same interests as I do.
Also I've signed up as a follower on your blog. :) Thanks again.
I am usually attracted to a blog by the way it looks (shallow, I know) I love great photos and a nice clean layout, it makes it so much easier for me to read it.
But what keeps me reading a blog is the writers ability to connect with the people reading, have a conversation with them, a relationship. I don't like it when blogs are just about documenting work or advertising something. I like it when the writer is passionate and they know that their readers are too. :)
I hope that makes sense...
Thanks for the giveaway...very generous of you.
I am one of your followers and a blogger, too.
Blogs that cover a range of topics, have good writing, and have great photography grab my attention. I leave blogs right away if there's a dark background or music playing.
I also like an honest, non-pretentious voice that comes through the written word.
What I like to see in a Blog: Great photos and interesting or educational content. What I don't like to see in a Blog: Flashing lights, backgrounds that make it difficult if not impossible to read the text. I think your Blog qualifies as a good one!
Hi I love your idea of recycling the yarns. Very nice! I Hope I can win the yarn!!
I don't read blogs too much, but ones I enjoy give information that I can use, have a sense of humor, or just show my a slice of a life that's different than mine.
And I just signed up to follow your blog!
WELL..Honestly!!! Your givaway attracted me immediately..
But I love blogs with lots of knitting and knitting ideas and photos of knitting..
Yarn photos(like yours) make me drool alot and its wonderful!!
Now let me go back and drool some more...Thank You...
Followed you here from Ravelry. Attractive blogs are updated frequently with a variety of topics and interesting photos. Some short entries, some rather long, detailed entires depending on the subject. Told in a natural voice so you feel like you're reading a letter from your best friend who's away at camp.
I follow a blog when I see an interesting viewpoint. Pictures are wonderful because they break up the monolith of text however it is the inspiration and creativity of posts that keep me coming back again and again.
The occasional contest doesn't hurt either.
I just added you to my bloglines follows too.
I am also a new follower. :)
Your photography is amazing. I would keep visiting the site just for that, but to know you're a fellow knitter too is just icing on the cake. I really should be going to bed now, but I'll be exploring more of your blog tomorrow (or... technically today).
I come back to blogs for great photos, frequent updates, and happy thoughts!
Not gonna lie, but I love pictures. Of anything really. I like to see what others are making, eating, doing, etc. I'll read for hours if the pictures intrigue me, and yours do.
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