Friday, June 4, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

So, I am incredible humbled and honored to have been awarded the Beautiful Blogger Award by Cheri of CheGo2 the Kitchen! This is a total shock, as Cheri hasn't been reading the old blog for very long (that I know of) and yet she considered me worthy. So I'm a little Gobstopped.

But excited, too! I've always wanted to win this one! Thanks!!!!


So, as many of you know, I'm supposed to tell you ten things about me that you may not know. Hmmmm . . .

1. When I come across the movie "Urban Cowboy" on the T.V. I become paralyzed, unable to take my eyes off of the screen. I just love John Travolta's angsty cowboy rage (and that soundtrack) (oh, and Debra Winger!).

2. I came to Christ when I was 12 walking home from school. I just stopped walking, told Him I wanted to let Him in, and there he was. That easy. And He's been with me ever since.

3. I used to collect tinted lithographs of nature and garden scenes. I have a lot.


4. I like my tea unsweetened with no flavor. The only herbal tea I like is Mint Medley. I think tea should taste like tea.

5. I had my gall bladder out when I was 28. Just quit working, just like that. When they looked at it, it looked perfectly healthy, but it was like that battery on it died and it had to be removed.

6. I like ridiculous comedies. Like Zoolander and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. My favorite is Anchorman ("I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch. There it goes. Down into my belly").

7. My worst childhood act was stealing my Grandma's Captain and Tenille album - the one with "Muskrat Love." She knew immediately who had done it and come storming into my house to get it back and give me a stare of death. She scared me straight!


8. I love office supplies. When I was a doctor I'll bet I had 300 pens. I would have 20 or so blank journals if I had the money for it. Paper clips and hole punches make me happy.

9. I know how to rewire a lamp. Try it sometime. It's easy.

10. When I was a resident I used to order tomato and onion pizzas. They smell like old gym socks but they sure taste good!

So now I have to find 10 recipients to pass the award along to. Which is difficult because I read SO MANY great blogs and quite a few of them have already received The Beautiful Blogger Award. And who can I say doesn't have a beautiful spirit? All of my bloggy sisters do. So, after much deliberation, the award goes to:

Heather of Implausible Yarn
Roxanne of The 60/40
Relyn of Come Sit By My Fire
Stephanie of Handmade by God
Maegan of Madeline Bea: Life Set to Words
Anna of lilla lotta
Kate of Lazy Kate Creates
Manda of There is a Time...
Mary of In a Soft Light
Beth of be yourself...everyone else is taken
And finally, a very special shout out to Ashley of Little Miss Momma, which I've only just started reading, but who I know is a Beautiful Blogger simply from her post I Have a Secret. Any of my long time readers know that I know all about this. I admire your courage, Ashley.


Roxanne said...

Aw, thanks so much Erin. You really are a beautiful blogger. I love that you drink tea with nothing in it, I don't know anyone else that does that except me :)

Unknown said...

I totally agree with #4! I live in the land of sweet tea and people think I am crazy that I like mine unsweetened:)

Can't wait to check out your list of bloggers.

Yenta Mary said...

Mazal Tov on such a special award ... :)

cheri said...

it doesnt take long to realize that you are beautiful, erin, and so is your blog :)

glad you liked the award :)

Mary said...

Erin, thank you so much for thinking of me!

beth said...

thank you erin....what a sweet surprise to wake up to this morning....

i love that you love office supplies....ME TOO.... so much so, it's ridiculous....

i'll write my 10 things....hopefully soon. i tend to save notes about myself as they come up, so that my list is somewhat interesting....and it may take a few weeks, but i will do it....promise !

and if i don't....pinch me and remind me, okay ?

thanks again !

Lucy's Soup Can said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I am your latest follower.

Maegan Beishline said... used to be a doctor...whhhaaa? wowza! But, more importantly...THANK YOU! I am so honored! This is my first blogging award...ever! And your list is so great...what interesting and fun tid-bits about you!

Hmmmm...I'm like a big fat open book so I'll have to dig deep for ten things you wouldn't know...but I will!

Unknown said...

Wow your blog is gorgeous! Love your photos. We are your newest follower and we are really glad you stopped by Welcome Wednesday. Come by next week, for we would love for you to share your blog with others!!

Jaime & Kristin

Lois Evensen said...

Very nice! Congratulations. :)


Teachinfourth said...

I still love 'Love will Keep us Together' by C&T.

I love the photos along with this post. Did you take them, perchance?

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Wishing you a great Saturday from Sits!

New Jersey Memories said...

Stopping by from SITS!

Oh, I love unsweetened tea, too! When I was 11 I decided not to put sugar in it one day to really TASTE the tea and I've enjoyed it that way ever since!

I also love office supplies. I have many tiny notebooks filled with essays, short stories, and blog posts just waiting for me to finish them!

trooppetrie said...

I love office supplies, I can not have enough pens and journals.

Kitty said...

Thanks so much for the award! I've always loved paper products- but I have a hard time using a notebook- I like them all fresh and clean!

Teresa @ ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥ said...

Congratulations on your award. I just started reading today but I can already tell it is much deserved!

I'm stopping by from Friendly Friday, albeit a tad bit late. :0) I wanted to say hello and share some comment lo♥e.

I really like your blog and just became your newest 'Follower'. I love that you used to be a Pediatrician. I am a retired Medic who worked for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta for several years and later as an assistant to a Pediatrician for over 6 years. I only quit when I became seriously ill myself. I really miss it as I have a huge heart for hurting children.

I would love for you to take a minute to check out my blog and follow me, too, if you like what you see. I will definitely be back soon to read more of yours.

I hope the rest of your weekend is amazing!

Teresa <><

♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥

Joy said...

Congratulations! So well deserved! (And I share your passion for office supplies, as well. I don't stop at pens. I love all kinds of pencils, paper clips, you name it!)

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

Congrats that is so great!!


Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!
Meet Virginia!!!

lillalotta said...

Thank you ever so much Erin! How lovely. Must make a list myself soon. Looking forward to it :)

Would be wonderful to trade a postcard with you! Please let me know your address [ ] and I will start scribbling for you!

Ally said...

Following you from Gucci Mama.

ImplausibleYarn said...

Oh thank you so much! I am so honored and wish I could give you the award right back! I read your blog and sometimes I swear its like you can read my mind.

Carey said...

Just found your blog from SITS!

A few things I agree with 100% in this post -- 'Urban Cowboy' LOVE it, I also love ridiculous comedies (I chuckled when I read the scotch quote LOL) and I also have a severe addiction to office supplies.

Have a good Sunday! :)

Stephanie said...

Erin! Congratulations on your first Blog Award!! You certainly deserve it! I don't get over here nearly as often as I'd like but when I do it is truly a beautiful place !
And.....Thank you so much! I certainly don't feel worth at all~ but I do appreciate it very much!

Manda said...

You are a sweetheart Erin... it has been such a joy and blessing to see you heart on page, and get to know you a little more.

Unknown said...

I aspire to this beauty here!

Anonymous said...

Stopping from SITS! I love office supplies too. Really fun pens and pencils are the best. Congrats on your award.

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