Monday, June 28, 2010

Groovy Little Town


I went to Yellow Springs, OH today with eldest daughter, William, and eldest daughter's friend Lydia. Yellow Springs is possibly the grooviest town in Ohio with lots of import shops, organic cafes, galleries, and just that artsy, hippie vibe that goes with a tiny college town (the Extremely Liberal Antioch College is located here.


Traveling companions Kendall, Lydia, and Will

We had a great day. We started at the Sunrise Cafe where all food is organic, made from scratch (but they do, thank the lord, have Diet Coke), and yummy. I had a portobello, spinach, and fontina cheese omelet with more portobello mushrooms than I have ever seen in one place in my life.

They have two really cool walls of cups at the entrance.

Then we shopped import shops and just walked around the town. And it's such a Cool town. I've wanted to live there for Years.



You know those tress that you see on the internet that people have crocheted and decorated? They are EVERYWHERE in Yellow Springs.



The town is so colorful. This bench is clay over concrete.


Flowers are everywhere. This garden is in front of an artist's co-op store.



The Village of Yellow Springs is a wonderful place to visit if you happen to be near Dayton or Xenia, OH. If you have the chance to visit, don't pass it up. You'll be blissed out that you went!


Ruth said...

beautiful pictures... good that you had a great time!!

Anonymous said...

What a neat place! That bench is so pretty. Sorry I took so long to visit from Friday, but I'm following you back! :)

Lois Evensen said...

Children of the Flower Children survive in Yellow Springs. Maybe they are grandchildren of the Flower Children. It hasn't changed in all these years. It's UC Berkeley East.

Roxanne said...

Yes!!! I love Yellow Springs. I've wanted to go Antioch for a long, long time. It's such a beautiful place. Goodness I miss Ohio.

Maiden Jane said...

Great photos! I'd love to visit someday.

Relyn Lawson said...

OH, I love your glowing cafe pictures!

The Barker's said...

We try to go every year for the street fair there and it's so much fun. I know there is one in October (1st weekend, I believe) and one in the summer! Such a fun little town!

Doug said...

Wow. I feel like I have been there and didn't even travel to Ohio.

Torhild Reidardatter said...

That sure looks like a town worht wisiting.I love to discover small towns & their uniqeness.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is definitely one groovy town. Will not miss it if i am there. Love the place!

Unknown said...

I was just there two weeks ago! Even the ice cream is tye dye!!!!

inkberryblue said...

It looks like somewhere I would absolutely love to visit but it's a little too far away for me !!! Thanks for sharing. =)

~Rachel~ said...

Fantastic pictures! I’m not a liberal but I most defiantly have a hippie/bohemian vibe about me. I absolutely love the sound of that little town! I would love to visit there someday, it sounds like my kind of place.

I nominated your blog for an award; check out my blog for more details.

tracy said...

Your pictures are dreamy, inviting and true. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

thanks for following

now I am returning the favor
My Blog Click Here!

love your blog!

josie said...

Hi Erin already following you :) (FMBT or FF) thanks for the visit and follow

Firefly said...

Thanks for following me. Following you back! Looks like you had a lovely trip! Can't wait to read more!

StephenC said...

Thanks for visiting theobsessivechef. My brother went to college in Yellow Springs long, long ago. So I've been there several times. Can't say as I can remember much anymore. Nice blog!

Unknown said...

How awesome...we just went there last weekend while visiting the family. I got a bunch of cool pics too. Did you guys happen to go into the forest there? My last blog has pictures of it as well. Thanks for sharing Erin.

Sweet European Dreams said...

most college towns are so much fun, although when I was in college I was too poor to actually SHOP at all of the fun local stores. Looks like you had a great day! Thanks for stopping by my page today. -diane

Julia said...

This is so wild! Ive never heard of this place... now I cant wait to visit!

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