Friday, June 11, 2010

Good morning Starshine. The earth says "hello!"






All photos We Heart It


Jessa said...

You have a wonderful blog. I am glad to follow back :)

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so lovely! Especially the galaxy of stars one :)

Thanks for stopping by and following - I'm now a follower of yours :)

Ruth said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Pam said...

Beautiful pics! Following you back; have a wonderful weekend! Pam @ Sallygoodin

Manda said...

"Hello, Earth... you are lovely and beautiful. The hands that formed you, also formed me. We are so fortunate to rise together on this miraculous day".

Stunning photos your chose... I <3 YOU, Erin!!!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Lovely pictures! Thank you for visiting me and becoming a follower. I'm now following you too!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

What an inviting place your blog is! I am stopping in to happily return the follow! Have a marvelous weekend.

Magnolia Handspun said...

The photography is amazing...the kitten really got me.
Have a great weekend Erin.

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Hi There! Following you from one of the fun blog hops :) Come on check out my blog: -- Life as a Wife! Enjoy your weekend. Blessings!

Sharon said...

Great collection of starry photos. It brightens my day!

Rhonda said...

What a wonderful way to start the day......made me smile! I'm following your blog!

Emily said...


Christin@Pregnant with power tools said...

Oh pretties... love!
Following from Follow Me Friday - bet you can't get tired of hearing that :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

adorable images!

Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said...

I want to pick my favourite photo but can't as they are all so beautiful. You posts always make me feel good :) How do you do it?

Keep up the great work ;o)

Teachinfourth said...

Who doesn't love Coldplay?

SM said...

I found you on a blog hop and i love the photos, I would love to hold a star in my hand :) Stop by my blog for some tea!

I am your new follower

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautifully done, what a delightful collection of pictures.

Thanks for the follow, I am following you back and looking forward to seeing more.

Have a great weekend.

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

ooooh! I see I have missing something beautiful over here - so glad to become your newest follower. Thanks for following me too. Look forward to visiting you again!

Unknown said...

I think I figured it out! You can come back and see if you see my top bar "follow"??? :)

Thanks so much! :) LOVE YOUR BLOG.

Libby said...

Great pics! I'm following you back :)

Claudia said...

Those pictures are sooooooo beautiful - stardust feeling

Relyn Lawson said...

I heart it, too. I really, really heart these images.

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